Ekaterina Dimitrova
On March 14, Cassandra Forward welcomed attendees from around the globe, with representation from 130+ countries. Attendees heard from speakers who talked about next generation Apache Cassandra features and cutting-edge use cases. Speakers from Temporal and Netflix joined DataStax, as well as a panel of Apache Cassandra committers, to discuss how the project has evolved and to get a preview of what’s coming for Cassandra 5.0. Whether you joined us in-person at a viewing party or tuned in virtually from around the world, the Cassandra community is stronger than ever.
If you missed the event or would like to re-watch a session, replays are available now. And don’t forget to check out the resources below for a deep dive on all things Cassandra.
Don’t miss the opportunity to join us at Cassandra Summit on December 12-13, 2023 at the San Jose Convention Center. There is a lot of momentum in the Apache Cassandra project, with new capabilities and cutting-edge use cases. We can’t wait for the community to gather in-person at the end of the year. Mark your calendars now. DataStax takes 20% off your registration price with the discount code: CS23DS20
Excited to learn more about Cassandra? Check out the following events.
The Cassandra project has been evolving, and the biggest change yet is coming in 5.0. You will not want to miss this lineup of speakers that will talk about the next generation of features and cutting-edge use cases. Cassandra Forward is about the direction we are quickly moving in as a project and community. Give us two hours of your time, and we promise it will blow your mind.
Apache Cassandra is entering a new era as the database for cloud native applications. With years of proof behind it, you’ll see how we are just getting started.
Patrick McFadin | DataStaxNew APIs. Changes to CQL. More powerful queries. All of it to make development easier and faster when using Cassandra! Learn how the most stable database in the world is learning new tricks that will open more use cases for you.
Aaron Morton | DataStaxAuthor of the incredible popular MongooseJS library talks about his exciting new work with the Apache Cassandra community and how things are going to get much easier when developing applications.
Valeri Karpov | MeanIT SoftwareOne of the most exciting developments in the world of Cassandra development. ACID transactions that work the way Cassandra works, with scale, distribution, and fault tolerance. Hear how this change is leapfrogging other transactional systems and will set the standard for years to come.
Aaron Ploetz | DataStaxCommitters working on the Apache Cassandra project give you an insider's view of what they are excited to see coming in Cassandra 5.0.
Apache Cassandra Committers | TBDNetflix uses a lot of Cassandra to power our services. Come learn how and why we capture change data events in Cassandra using Flink for use in other systems.
Satyajit Thadeshwar | NetflixAn introduction to durable execution and how Temporal implements it using Cassandra. Durable execution transparently persists each step of a program so that if the machine running the code crashes, another machine can continue executing at the next step. It also has built-in durable timers and automatic retries for anything that might fail. Combined, it makes it simple for developers to write reliable code.
Loren Sands-Ramshaw | TemporalLooking even further forward into the next few years, how will you use Cassandra? The two areas of our community that will grow the fastest are cloud native and AI/ML workloads. Cassandra was built for the next generation of applications. We are adding even more capabilities to help you develop faster with less effort.
Patrick McFadin | DataStaxDavor Bonaci | DataStaxPlease review the Cassandra Forward Anti-Harassment policy before attending.
MeanIT Software
Apache Cassandra, Cassandra, and Apache are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries and are used with permission. The Apache Software Foundation has no affiliation with and does not endorse or review the materials provided at these events, which are managed by DataStax.